The term “friendship,” for Americans, is a comprehensive and vague concept that varies by each person’s perception.  Aristotle couldn’t have explained it better.  He classified friendships into three types – useful, pleasurable, and good – and offered insight into the motives and qualities underpinning human relationships.  These distinctions help to understand the varying motivations and qualities that drive different types of friendships and acknowledge that friendships can have other foundations and levels of depth based on the nature of the connections between individuals.  This blog focuses on the many variants of friendship among men and their values, gender, LGBTQ differences, friendship phases through life, and loneliness.


How Do We Connect and Build Friendships?

Men connecting for friendship with other men can sometimes be different from how women do it; overall, it’s about finding common ground and shared interests.  Usually, women have a larger circle of friends, as many men stick together in a small group.  Why is that?  Are women more social butterflies or more comfortable being vulnerable?

Like any other friendships, male friendships are bonds between men based on mutual trust, understanding, and support.  They can encompass various dynamics and forms, often influenced by cultural norms and personal preferences.

It’s the concept of a “band of brothers” or a tight-knit group of male friends, a real and meaningful dynamic.  It’s the meaning of the common term men use, calling each other “Bro.”   The lasting nature of these friendships often withstands the receding tide and flow of individual or romantic relationships.  Men might find it easier to connect with other men for several reasons.

Finding common ground: Engaging in shared hobbies, sports, or activities forms a significant part of male friendships.  Having common interests provides a platform for bonding and spending quality time together.

Communication Style: Men value friendships where communication is comfortable and straightforward.  It can involve a mix of direct communication when needed and through shared activities or non-verbal cues.

Camaraderie and Support: The camaraderie and support among male friends, built over years of shared experiences, can provide a strong foundation for discussing personal matters.  Finding other men who pull the best out in you is essential.

While women can certainly be part of close-knit friend groups, the dynamic might differ due to these communication and trust factors.  It’s not necessarily about excluding women but more about finding a space where individuals feel most comfortable sharing personal aspects of their lives.

Ultimately, the preference for guy friends doesn’t always indicate sexism but rather a comfort level and a communication style that feels more natural and supportive for the individuals involved.

What Values Do Men Seek in a Friendship?

Men often seek specific values and wants within their friendships with other men.  Values such as:

Companionship and Support: Men value having friends who offer companionship and support through life’s ups and downs.  This support might be both emotional and practical, providing a sense of camaraderie and reliability.

Loyalty and Trust: Trust is a cornerstone of male friendships.  Building a bond based on trust and loyalty allows men to confide in each other, share vulnerabilities, and know they can rely on their friends.

Respect and Understanding: Mutual respect for individual opinions, choices, and boundaries is essential.  Understanding and accepting each other’s differences contribute to a healthier friendship.

Allow space for their personal life: Men often value friendships that allow them room for personal independence and autonomy.  It means understanding that friends may sometimes have their own lives, responsibilities, and need for solitude.

Common Values and Goals: Having shared values or common goals can strengthen friendships.  Whether professional ambitions, personal growth, or moral values, aligning in these areas can deepen connections.

Understanding these needs and values can help nurture and maintain solid male friendships.  Each friendship is unique, but these elements often contribute to the foundation of meaningful and enduring connections among men.

What is the Difference in Male and Female Friendships?

These values can be the same for female friendships.  However, male and female friendships often exhibit differences in communication styles, emotional expression, and the nature of interactions.

  • Women often tend to communicate more openly and emotionally, sharing more profound and more personal aspects of their lives in their friendships. Men, on the other hand, might communicate indirectly, using shared activities or humor to bond rather than discussing emotions explicitly.
  • Female friendships often involve emotional sharing and support. Women tend to confide in each other about personal issues, seeking empathy and understanding.  In contrast, men might offer support through shared activities or problem-solving rather than direct emotional conversations.
  • Women might address conflicts directly, discussing issues openly to find resolutions. Men, on the other hand, might be more inclined to avoid confrontation, preferring to resolve conflicts indirectly or through actions.
  • Women tend to have more frequent communication and interaction within their friendships, whether through regular calls, messages, or outings. Men might communicate less frequently but often have a strong sense of camaraderie during shared activities or gatherings.
  • Women often have larger social circles and maintain multiple close friendships. Men might have fewer close friends but often form strong, enduring bonds with a smaller group.
  • Lastly, women might feel more comfortable expressing vulnerability in their friendships and discussing insecurities or emotional struggles. Men might be more hesitant to show vulnerability, preferring to focus on shared activities as a means of support.

These differences aren’t absolute and can vary widely among individuals.  Both forms of friendships have their strengths and contribute uniquely to emotional support, companionship, and personal growth.  Understanding these differences can help in appreciating and nurturing diverse forms of friendships.

Friendship Dynamics within the LGBTQIA+ Community

While the core values of friendship—trust, mutual respect, shared interests—remain consistent across all individuals, some unique considerations and experiences may shape how friendships develop within the LGBTQIA+ community, especially compared to heterosexual relationships.  Here are some factors that might contribute to the distinct nature of these friendships:

Shared Identity and Understanding:

LGBTQIA+ individuals may find a deeper connection based on a shared understanding of the obstacles and experiences regarding their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression.  This shared identity can create a sense of camaraderie and empathy.

Safe Spaces:

Many LGBTQIA+ individuals actively seek out and create safe spaces where they can express their authentic selves without fear of judgment.  These spaces, whether physical or virtual, can be crucial for building friendships.


Within the LGBTQIA+ community, individuals may identify with several marginalized identities, such as being a person of color, having a disability, or being part of other minority groups.  Friendships often consider and respect these intersectional aspects.

Chosen Families:

Due to potential challenges faced within biological families, LGBTQIA+ individuals may place a strong emphasis on chosen families—friendships that function as familial bonds.  These chosen families provide emotional support and understanding.

Navigating Coming Out:

The process of coming out can be a significant life event for many LGBTQIA+ individuals.  Friends who support and understand the complexities of coming out can form bonds deeply rooted in trust and acceptance.

Support Systems:

Friendships within the LGBTQIA+ community often serve as vital support systems, providing emotional support during challenging times and celebrating victories in overcoming adversity.

Cultural References and Language:

Shared cultural references and language, including LGBTQIA+ terminology and slang, can create a unique bond among friends within the community.  This shared language can be a powerful tool for communication and understanding.

Celebrating Diversity:

LGBTQIA+ friendships often celebrate diversity not only in sexual orientation and gender identity but also in cultural backgrounds, interests, and expressions of identity.

Open Communication:

Honest and open communication is crucial in any friendship, but LGBTQIA+ friendships may involve more intentional discussions about identity, experiences, and boundaries to foster understanding.

Activism and Community Involvement:

Many LGBTQIA+ friendships are forged through a shared commitment to activism and community involvement.  Working together towards common goals can strengthen these connections.

In essence, while friendships within the LGBTQIA+ community share fundamental principles with friendships in any society, the eccentric experiences and challenges faced by individuals within this community can lead to connections shaped by a deep appreciation and understanding of each other’s journeys.

Why Do Male Friendships Change with Age?

We touch on the variations of male friendships and friendships within the LGBTQ community.  But how do friendships among men change with age?  Male friendships can undergo various changes with age, influenced by life circumstances, personal development, and societal expectations.  In the different stages of a man’s life, the friendship evolves with age:

Young Adulthood (20s-30s):

Camaraderie and Exploration:

A focus on camaraderie, shared experiences, and exploration characterizes young adulthood.  Male friendships often involve activities, parties, and bonding over life transitions.

Career and Family:

As men enter the workforce and potentially start families, the dynamics of friendships may shift.  Time constraints and new responsibilities can impact the frequency of social interactions.

Middle Adulthood (40s-50s):

Quality over Quantity:

In midlife, there may be a shift towards valuing the quality of friendships over quantity.  Men often prioritize deeper connections with a few close friends.

Support System:

Friendships become an important support system during this period, helping individuals navigate career challenges, family responsibilities, and personal changes.

Late adulthood (60s and beyond):


In later stages of life, men may reflect on their friendships and place increased importance on heritage, relationships, and their impact on others.

Health and Companionship:

As health concerns may arise, male friendships can be crucial for emotional support, companionship, and coping with life changes.

Communication styles may evolve, with men potentially becoming more open about emotions and personal challenges as they age.  While shared activities may remain important, the nature of those activities might change, shifting from more physically demanding pursuits to leisurely and intellectually stimulating ones.  Men may expand their social circles to include diverse groups, including intergenerational friendships and connections outside their primary peer group.  Adaptability becomes crucial as life circumstances change.  Men may need to adapt to new social environments, whether retirement, relocation, or other life transitions.

Individual experiences can vary widely; not every man will follow the same path.  The key is recognizing the evolving nature of friendships and adapting to each life stage’s changing needs and circumstances.

Loneliness in Men

Loneliness is a complex and widespread issue affecting individuals of any gender.  Still, certain societal expectations and cultural factors can contribute to the experience of loneliness in men.  It’s important to recognize and address these factors to understand better and support men dealing with loneliness.  Here are some key pieces to consider:

Social Expectations:

Societal expectations around masculinity can discourage men from expressing vulnerability or seeking emotional support.  The pressure to conform to traditional gender roles may lead some men to isolate themselves when facing challenges.

Stigma Around Mental Health:

The stigma around mental health issues can make it difficult for men to talk openly about their feelings of loneliness or seek professional help.  There might be a fear of being perceived as weak or less masculine.

Friendship Dynamics:

Men’s friendships, especially in certain cultures, can be activity-focused rather than emotionally oriented.  It may result in fewer opportunities for men to share their personal struggles and connect more emotionally.

Life Transitions:

Major life changes such as retirement, the loss of a spouse, a divorce, and the loss of a job can contribute to feelings of isolation.  Men may find it challenging to adapt to changes in their social networks during these periods.

Communication Patterns:

Men may have different communication patterns, often emphasizing problem-solving over emotional expression.  It can lead to a lack of shared emotional experiences and hinder the formation of deep connections.

Technology and Social Media:

While technology and social media can facilitate connections, they may also contribute to isolation if online interactions do not translate into meaningful, in-person relationships.

Cultural and Generational Influences:

Cultural and generational factors can play a role in shaping men’s attitudes toward social relationships.  Some men may have been raised with a more stoic approach to emotions, impacting their ability to express and cope with loneliness.

Lack of Social Support Networks:

Men who lack strong social support networks may be more vulnerable to loneliness.  It can be particularly true for those who have moved to new areas or experienced a breakdown in existing relationships.

How Do You Support A Man Who Feels Lonely?

Encouraging Open Communication:

It is crucial to create environments where men feel comfortable expressing their emotions and seeking support.  Encouraging open communication reduces the stigma associated with vulnerability.

Promoting Mental Health Awareness:

Raising awareness about mental health and challenging stereotypes surrounding masculinity helps to destigmatize seeking professional help and talking about emotional struggles.

Building Diverse Social Connections:

Encouraging men to diversify their social circles and participate in activities that foster meaningful connections can help combat loneliness.

Supporting Life Transitions:

Recognizing and supporting men during major life transitions can help mitigate feelings of isolation.  It includes providing resources for coping with relationships, work, or health changes.

Fostering Inclusive Friendships:

Promoting the value of emotionally supportive friendships and breaking away from the notion that male friendships should be solely activity-based can contribute to stronger social connections.

Educating About Healthy Relationships:

Educational programs that teach healthy relationship skills, including communication and emotional expression, can be beneficial in addressing loneliness.

Promoting Work-Life Balance:

Encouraging a healthy work-life balance can prevent isolation from excessive work-related stress and demands.

The keys to friendship also guide men to build closer connections with other men.  After the first contact with another guy, whether getting a drink after work or going to the gym together, introducing more personal subjects, communicating appreciation, or showing affection are great ways to let someone know you’d like to explore a deeper friendship.

Some men may feel it is risky.  Often, their fears of an adverse reaction are just that—fears.  Most people respond more positively than you think to someone who is genuine and their authentic selves.

As Gandhi said, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ If you want more openness in a friendship, the best thing to do is to be more open yourself.  Don’t wait.”

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